When your company goes remote, it can be simple to keep the status quo, rather than shaking things up. After all, working from home constantly can be a major change for many people, and further adding to or moving around their schedules can be a burden at times. However, that is no excuse to neglect necessary check-ins with the members of your team. Yes, it may seem excessive at first, but to make a remote workforce successful, you should implement the following three meetings.

Team Meeting

Most managers hold weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly meetings with their teams to go over large-scale changes in the company, among other things. However, every manager should prioritize weekly meetings to check in with their team, address any newfound issues, and provide updates as needed. It can be beneficial to have upper management stop in from time to time, but the most important part of these meetings is bringing smaller teams together to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Skip-Level Meeting

A skip-level meeting is one where an upper-level manager meets with an employee they do not directly manage. This kind of meeting is beneficial, as it provides a way for employees to directly discuss their ideas with someone who can make them happen, which takes away potential miscommunication. Skip-level meetings do not need to be held regularly, but should happen once every month or so, if possible.

All-Hands Meeting

The best way to get information across from the highest levels of an organization to the rest of the company is to hold an all-hands meeting. This kind of meeting is not focused on specific teams, but rather, departmental changes, major updates, and the like. An all-hands meeting is a good idea if there are any potentially disruptive changes coming, and it can provide an avenue for questions to be answered. All-hands meetings do not need to happen every month, but should be prioritized at least once per quarter.

Although it might seem like a significant amount of time is being spent on communication, when your team is remote, that is a necessity. Taking the time out of everyone’s schedules to touch base, brainstorm, and update on the newest information will ensure that all employees are informed and feel comfortable while at home. If you do not currently utilize these meetings, try to find a way to add them into your schedule.