Creating online content is a way for businesses to get the word out about what they do without utilizing obvious advertisements. An online presence adds a level of trust to a brand, as consumers like to see a company that is well-rounded. The following are just a few of the ways entrepreneurs can use content to add to the image of their business.

Down-To-Earth Videos

Younger generations spend a lot of time on YouTube and other streaming platforms consuming video content. Posting a video to YouTube takes barely any effort, so entrepreneurs should consider creating a channel where they can promote their business, while also connecting on a more personal level with their target demographic. Videos can range from vlogs, to Q&As, to short video essays on topics relevant to your industry. Business owners may also want to consider the occasional livestream, which can give you instant access to your viewers. Creating video content will help you relate to a younger audience, while getting your message across in an easy-to-understand manner.

Social Media Posts

Posting regularly to social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, shows that your company is engaged online and wants to have a conversation. People tend to be happier if their direct messages are answered in a timely manner, too. Although you can use social posts as a marketing tool, you can also simply use them to make a statement about the kinds of things your company stands for. You might want to weigh in on current events (as long as they are not controversial), promote a charity you support, or even publicly announce an employee of the month. Different platforms work best with different kinds of content, so be mindful of the tone you set with each post.

Blog Writing

Delivering information in blog format is another great way to add to your business’s online portfolio. Let’s say that you are a plumber. You might want to write about when to hire a plumber, common plumbing issues that are overlooked, or what to do during a plumbing emergency. You can choose any blog topics you wish, but they should be aligned with the work your business does. After all, you can weave in links to your products or services and promote it in a more natural way.

Content is a major part of digital marketing, but even if you aren’t looking to convert customers directly from these avenues, it can be a great way to improve your standing in the community and around the world. Every entrepreneur should strive to post regularly online in order to create a positive digital community for their customers.