You don’t have to have a position in upper management to be a leader in the workplace. You may have great ideas or see an opportunity that is available, which can allow you to influence those that you’re working with each day. If you want to lead without having the title, there are a few tips to follow to impact the workplace.

Practice Optimism

Having optimism is key to becoming a leader to ensure that you don’t get wrapped up in blame or negativity that can be commonplace in the office. You’ll stand out as someone who is more professional if you have optimism and practice positivity in each type of situation. Your attitude will say more about your ability to lead rather than your title.

Mentor Other People

Make it a point to take other people under your wing when they’re a new employee or have less experience and need guidance. Coach your peers and offer a training course to benefit the workplace and make a difference while informing HR of your plans.

Remain a Leader Outside of the Workplace

Real leaders are those that practice leadership 24/7 and also demonstrate it in their personal lives, not just in the workplace. Consider organizing events for team outings where everyone can bond and get to know each other more. You can find the opportunity to lead a social cause that doesn’t have to be in a work environment or setting.

Acknowledge Other People

You can practice acknowledging the hard work or accomplishments of your peers to ensure that they’re recognized for their contribution to the company. Offer praise and make the person stand out to ensure that they feel valued and appreciated. You don’t need to be their manager to allow them to feel recognized after they’ve done something impressive. If other people see you as a positive person that isn’t competitive, then they’ll be more likely to follow your lead.

Take Risks

Taking risks is a normal part of becoming a leader and can result in significant rewards over time. Speak out if you don’t agree with something and see the different sides of issues to ensure that you can help avoid potential problems with your team.