Companies around the world have had to adapt to a new way of working due to the global pandemic, COVID-19. Although many countries, territories, and states have loosened restrictions for businesses as a result of declining rates of transmission, it seems likely that there will be a second wave of the virus come fall. There are many things business owners need to do to prepare for what seems like an inevitable COVID resurgence.
Rethink Physical Spaces
Although some offices have opened back up, others are hoping to reestablish a physical workspace in the coming months. If you want to keep your employees safe during a second wave, but require a physical space to work, you should begin thinking about how you can meet both needs. Perhaps you will set up mini-offices, rather than rows of cubicles. Or, you may have open desks for people to sit at, but they are all spaced at least 6 feet apart. But how will you handle the office kitchen? The lunch room? How about the bathrooms? Companies need to consider whether it is realistic to open the office back up, and if so, what can be done to keep employees safe.
Set Yourself Up for Funding
If there are any opportunities for your company to get funding over the next few months, now may be a good time to think about your options. Whether you are looking for investors, taking on debt, or applying for grants, you should try to open up your options when times are good to prevent a mad dash for money in the coming months.
Transition Out Unnecessary Positions
Some businesses have more employees than they need, particularly when there are software programs and machinery that can do the same work as a person. As long as you are not bound by any legal requirements to maintain your current staff, you should consider whether there are roles you can begin to phase out to save some money for your company. Of course, the best thing you can do in this situation is help any employees that are made redundant find new employment that is comparable to or better than their current role.
COVID will not stop for any person or business, and it is crucial that entrepreneurs consider the effects it will have on their business should a second wave come about. Think about these areas closely and imagine what impact each decision will have on your company.